Brian Rosamilia
Software Engineer
Full Resume
Senior Software Engineer - Aderant (February 2019 - Present)
Node.js Azure React Azure Functions ASP.NET Azure DevOps Application Insights Azure Blueprints ESLint SQL ServerSenior JavaScript Engineer - Giftogram (August 2017 - January 2019)
Vue.js Node.js MySQL AWSSoftware Engineer - ConnectiveRx (July 2016 - August 2017)
ASP.NET C# .NET SQL ServerSenior Software Engineer - Prevalent Inc (October 2014 - May 2016)
Node.js ASP.NET C# .NET SQL ServerSoftware Engineer - Pursuit Solutions (July 2013 - October 2014)
ASP.NET C# .NET SQL ServerProgrammer - Premier Healthcare Exchange / PayPlus Solutions (May 2009 - June 2013)
Bachelors of Science, Computer Science - Ramapo College of New Jersey (2005-2009)
📜Azure-function-log-intercept: Adds regular console logging to Azure functions + Application Insights
Azure Functions Node.js Jest -
🕒 Vue-crono: Schedule and manage cron jobs in Vue components
Vue.js Node.js Parcel Jest -
🎨 Declarative Animations for Vue
Vue.js Node.js Parcel
📊 Graph database visualizations that map the network of accounts that NHL players follow
Neo4j Node.js Netlify -
☄️ Meteor.js Based Canvas Example
Meteor EaselJS -
⚡ Static Analyzer to refactor Duplicate C# Lambdas
C# Roslyn Compiler API
Web development, Serverless, UI/UX, Reactive Programming